API Driven Product Development
How to make Development Strategies With team
When it’s done well, it does look easy. People have no idea how complicated and difficult it really is. When you think of a movie, most people imagine a two hour finished, polished product. But to get to that two hour product, it can take hundreds or thousands of people many months of full time work.
– George Kennedy
In our last discussion, we have talked about how we should manage team in developing your new product or initiating a startup. Taking from the last blog, here I will continue about how we should manage our API’s in new product development.
Application Programming Interface (API) is the way software talks to other software. When we talk about successful api’s, they are external products or internal linking, require strong product management. I should prefer that for every product management, they should use api’s instead of directly calling data from db functions. The main advantage of api’s are they are flexible and versatile with every technical environment.
For example, if your staring product was in WordPress but after successful marketing you are looking to upgrade your product in other technical stack, then there is no need to develop complete site in that new framework example react-laravel. The only thing you need to do is creating interface, calling api’s from laravel functions. That’s it. You will feel relaxed, your tech team is also enjoying this as they are finally completing project so fast that they have never imagined and you get some time as well to add additional features in the current product.
API-driven development is different from traditional development strategies. Those usually include API design and implementation together point on the event timeline, but that doesn’t make it the primary step in application production.
The terms API-driven development and API-first development (another way of saying the same thing), have been in use since about 2010, but it is only within the past couple of years that they’ve entered into popular usage as more and more software delivery teams have recognized the advantages API-driven development provides.
So, here is some more benefit which I think of API development:
API security includes tons of things that happen outside of the client–API software interaction. Cultural changes can improve security by instilling a security-first mentality in developers and designers. Processes are often implemented to stop insecure changes from making it to production or staying in production. Documentation can be reviewed to make sure that it doesn’t leak information inadvertently. Sales and support staff can be trained to not in advertently provide private data or assist in a social engineering attack.
A big a part of the apparatus of security is that the standardization of labor decisions to guard the system and its users. For example, you might have rules about where files can be stored or which encryption algorithms should be used. Increased standardization decreases the liberty for teams and other people to innovate. In the case of the safety context this is often usually justified by the impact of creating one bad decision, but not all APIs necessarily need an equivalent level of scrutiny and protection.
Encouraging distributed and modular architectures
API-driven development also naturally encourages application architectures that are highly distributed and modular. When you start by building an API framework which will connect together disparate parts of an application, you create it easy to interrupt the appliance itself into modules, and to deploy those modules across a distributed environment that the API connects together.
A full discussion of the advantages of a modular and distributed architecture is beyond the scope of this text, but most developers and sys admins today would agree that this approach maximizes application flexibility and scalability.
Modular CI/CD pipelines
It’s not only the architecture of your application itself that is more modular and flexible under an API-driven development approach. The same benefits apply if you use a Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) to deliver the application using DevOps methodologies.
When you use APIs to interrupt your application into distinct modules, you’ll continuously deliver each module separately. As long as each a part of the appliance — and, by extension, its place on the CI/CD pipeline — remains compatible with the API interface and architecture that you simply defined, a drag with one module (such as a bug that crops up during testing) is unlikely to cause a delay within the remainder of the pipeline. Each module can be updated separately, and at a different pace, while still remaining compatible with other modules thanks to the API that they share in common.
Cloud-friendly apps
Another benefit of API-driven development that is likely obvious to most developers is that it leads to applications that are inherently cloud-friendly, because they are built first and foremost for connectivity. On now , it’s important to stay in mind that there are two differing types of APIs — people who connect an application’s internal services, and people that connect the application to other services in the cloud. Having one sort of API doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve got the opposite . But when you embrace API-driven development, even if it starts with building internal APIs, you help ensure that you think from the start about all of the APIs that your application needs.
API-driven development remains a relatively new idea. But because the world of software delivery becomes more and more cloud-centric, API-driven development are going to be important for giving organizations a leg up and ensuring maximum connectivity and adaptability for the software they deliver.
Embracing API-driven development certainly takes some work, and getting there won’t happen overnight in most cases (especially if you’re starting with an existing codebase that wasn’t designed for maximum API compatibility,) but through careful planning, and with the help of API management tools, every organization can get there.
API-driven product development is quite beneficial to business. They allow businesses to not just compete against more established competitors but even thrive against all the adversaries in the interconnected world. In API-driven product development, it is the API that is the fulcrum, which naturally is quite advantageous. But before we go and discuss the benefits of API-Driven development, it would be best first to understand what API is, and how to make development strategies with the team.
What are APIs, and why are they so in trend?
APIs, or Application Programming Interface, is the way for software to interact with each other. It is a mechanism that enables two separate software applications to utilize a defined protocol and then communicate. An example of this would be how the weather app of a smartphone communicates with the weather bureau software system and display the current weather on the smartphone. The application that sends the request is termed as ‘the client,’ which in this example is the smartphone weather app, and the application that responds to the request is ‘the server.’ And this ‘talking’ is done via the API.
Now onto the question of why APIs. The simple answer to that is the standardization they bring in the interfaces in the development process. A structured and standardized API will allow the developer to do their work without any changes made to the established protocols and the underlying behavior of the system. And it is something that is true irrespective of the technology or the components that are underneath. The APIs also hide the complexity of the underlying implementation, allowing for the independent decoupled services to be tested and then implemented. It adds a new dimension to the application development and hence the reason why APIs are so popular.
With APIs, the developer only needs to focus on coding the application business logic without needing to completely revamp everything from the get-go, saving a lot of time and money in the process. Additionally, it also speeds up the application development process significantly, which naturally is one of the reasons why they are preferred in software development.
There are many other reasons and benefits, including Encouraging distributed with API Driven Product, that is behind the adaptability & success of API development on a global scale.