In Search of Excellence
The will to win, The Desire to succeed,
The urge to reach your full potential…
These are the keys that will unlock
The door to Personal EXCELLENCE.
Real Excellence
Excellence is never an accident, it is the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities.
Excellence is about being an exception. No one is born with excellence, but to be the gems of intelligence we need to cultivate it. this quality differentiates the extra ordinary people from the ordinary ones. It proves to be a benchmark on them which they had cultivated over years through hard work and smart work.
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom
For a search of excellence, the fruit and the foremost task is the search of our insight. To achieve excellence one should know about its own talents and weakness. First of all we need to cultivate ourselves for a better mindset which is university acknowledged.
This act also involves a tremendous act off building up – recognizing who we actually want to be and passionately going about fulfilling our unique destiny – whatever that may be.
Having our own support system helps us in realizing our goals and developing on a personal level.
Achieving excellence is a path full of adventures, we should have a mindset that in a path of obstacles, we will surely fall down, but to be the gems and excellence we will always try. Here are some tips to get excellence.
- Be Curious : You should always have a curious nature, the urge to learn more, to get, to learn new and interesting facts. You have to be curious in whatever you do as without urge, excellence would never be achieved.
- Extend boundaries : You should not limit yourself to a certain extent. Knowledge is vast, it cannot be limited. In fact, you should share the knowledge what you have, to others. This help you lear more, if you do this then the sky is your limit.
- Find your Strength : Don’t ignore your strengths and talents. Do not start looking for the skills that you don’t inherit. In fact, nowwith your own talents and start thinking out of the box, this will help you grow faster.
- Know your weakness : Along with strengths, one should know his/her weakness too. For this one should have the habit of taking feedbacks from others. This should not involve any false ego. This will help us to improve faster and paves the way for excellence.
- Learn to Obstacles : This is a journey not a destination, there is a compulsion of getting obstacles in it. Some are developed due to human errors and some are inbuilt by the nature itself. But the bravest one is whom overcome all odds and leads itself to the path of excellence.
People often mix success with excellence. But the point to be remembered is that success and excellence are comprehensive to each other.
Mostly, people are centered around success, they often don;t know, what complete success is!!
They have a misunderstanding about it, that is why they adapt the wrong methods of learning which is really harmful for oneself and for the human society too.
Success to cannot be achieved without excellence. we should not run after success even we should run after excellence, the success will be truly yours.
The conclusion we get is success and excellence are not comprehensive of each other, actually they move hand in hand.